Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Poached Egg: Attempt One

I tried to poach an egg today. Key word: Tried. It didn't go so well.

First, I used a different kind of pan than the recipe called for, mine was both smaller around and taller. Consequently, when the recipe asked me to fill half of the pan with water, I didn't know how much water to use. I think I put in too much.

Then, I was only poaching one egg instead of four, so I decreased the amount of vinegar in the water, from 1 teaspoon to about 1/3 teaspoon.

Next, I was supposed to bring the water to a simmer on high, then reduce to a gentle simmer on low. My pan's water boiled on high and definitely didn't simmer on low.

Once I finally got the water to simmer properly, I slipped the egg in. The egg whites did not stay nicely around the yoke like they were supposed to. They spread out like those thin wispy clouds you see way up in the sky. I let them sit, hoping they would fix themselves. A few minutes later, I pulled the egg out. It didn't look great, but maybe it would taste OK. Then I cut it open. It was way too soft inside. I tried to eat it, but found it far too unappetizing. I threw the remainders away.

I didn't even bother taking a picture. It wouldn't have looked good anyways.

Oh well.

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