Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Today is a two-for-one! Two posts for one letter--one Nibbles post and one Notes post.

I have a theory. A theory about why bubbles are relaxing.

Imagine blowing a soap bubble. You hold your little bubble wand and dip it in the soapy solution. Then you pull it out and take a deep breath. You slowly bring the wand in front of your lips, concentrating on the little net of soapy solution it holds to make sure it doesn't pop or drip. Maybe you even hold your breath as you do this. Then you slowly and carefully breathe out a steady stream of air, while watching the little soap bubble intently as it forms, balancing your breath to make sure the bubble doesn't burst from too much air or shrink away from too little air.

Slow down... breathe deep... breath slow... and concentrate on the here and now. Isn't that what we are told to do to relax?

Furthermore, if you are successful, the bubble wand will often release a stream of little globes that dance through the air. They drift and float until they seem to cross into another world, leaving behind only a puff of soapy droplets.

You may admire their dance, but if you try to hold one, it will shatter and slip away, like the others, into an invisible world.

It's like magic.

The only way to touch a bubble is to submerge your hand in the soapy solution before reaching out for it.

You can buy three bottles of bubble solution with wands for a dollar, which, in my opinion, is a dollar well spent.


  1. I think bubble might be my new favorite "B" word.


  2. L-U-V it! I love bubbles, too. The dance is mesmerizing!

  3. Oh how I love blowing bubbles. I buy them for my grandbabies every year for their Spring baskets. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Great post. We had a "leaf blower" bubble maker that belonged to my middle child and a dachshund puppy who loved to spin around in the yard chasing the bubbles. I wouldn't call the episodes relaxing since we would laugh so hard it hurt but we always went back inside with smiles plastered across our face! ~~ Emmly Jane @ Unconditional love with a few conditions

  5. An interesting perspective on bubbles- i like it!

    (Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge)

  6. Great post :) Bubbles do have a relaxing quality...and they occupy small children for HOURS! (Fellow A-Zer).

  7. Stopping by from the #atozchallenge !

    Fantastic observation.
