Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools' Day!

A is for April, and April is so full of itself that it has to make a grand entrance. I love kind surprises, but pranks have always seemed too mean spirited for me to truly enjoy them. Here are two [Marielle approved] pranks for your April Fools' Day:

This cake, artfully decorated to look like asparagus (it's really fondant, ladies and gentlemen):

And this hilarious eye-bombing in the refrigerator (you're not really going to eat while the rest of the food watches you, right?): 

If you are new to my blog, first of all, welcome! 

Second, please, leave a comment, say hi, let me know you were here. It helps with my school assignment, and I love hearing from my readers. If you have a blog, I'll leave you a comment too.

Also, check out the rest of my posts--most of my posts involve recipes, though I am starting to branch out from there.

(both photos discovered via Pinterest)


  1. The cake is gorgeous and I want to eat it all! Some times I do feel like my food is looking back at me. We must be related! ;-)

  2. Those are both hilarious! My brothers would absolutely hate me if I ever tried to feed them that much asparagus. :D

    Found you from the A to Z Challenge. :)


  3. I'm not sure which one of these I like best! The asparagus cake is probably the only way I would be able to get a piece, but the eyes in the fridge is too stinking funny! OK, its the eyes in the fridge that wins. Great post!

  4. So much fun! I love your A for the challenge. This is my first year doing this thing, and I am loving finding new sites to visit. I'll be back, because I'm a cooker, too!

  5. Hi Marielle! Discovering your blog from the A to Z Challenge!

    I love both of your approved pranks...I may go searching for gooly eyes to bomb my fridge before DH gets home!

    Looking forward to following you!

    -Cristyl @

  6. Hi! Stopping by from!

    I chose asparagus for my Letter A in the A-Z Challenge, but that cake... takes the cake! It looks so real and so yummy! I should put some eye-bombs in the freezer on my kid's ice cream containers. And a quote attached "What are you lookin' at? You Lookin' at me?"

    Maddy @
